In class this week, we read this text by Neal Layton. It is a simple story about 2 woolly mammoths struggling to cope with the heat in summer and then the cold in winter. The author shows the words through his clever illustrations and his use of hot and cold colours. We also tried the same idea in class and made our own hot and cold images.

In class today we shared a book from Hawaii.  This book tells us how one word - 'Aloha' can mean so many different things, including:          "I Love You!"  We were then inspired to make our own greetings for Valentine's Day! Thank you Mariana for sharing this book from your journey to Hawaii!

In Maths we have been looking at 3D shapes. These are solid shapes which you can pick up. We have also found about the face of a shape, the edges, the vertices or  corners and other 2D shapes within the 3D shapes.  Have a look at this page to see if you could now draw the shapes and make them using straws.

Grade 2 are completing their summative assessments this week in school.  The children have been designing and writing their own Travel Brochures for new countries they have never visited before. They have had to be thinkers to include all the relevant information. They have also had to be creative with their designs and word choice.  Have a look along the Grade 2 corridor to see their completed brochures by the end of this week. Which place would you choose to visit and why?

On Wednesday the Grade 2 classes swapped to hear favourite stories from the grade 2 teachers.  I read this book to 2SM.  Have you ever been in a terrible rush in the morning on the way to school?  Did you ever drop your lunch box and watch everything spill out on the floor? Did you ever just want a big bear hug from your Mum to make everything better?  Read this easy picture book to see what happens to Billy, Rabbit and his Mum!

Yesterday we met a famous author!  His name is Lansell Taudervin.  He has written many books over the years and we have been enjoying the Raja Rajawali series in school.