Today in class we had to match 2 different words and make new words. The words are mostly linked to our unit. So we had UNDER + WATER = underwater! SUN + SET = sunset. JELLY + FISH = jellyfish. SEA + SHELL = seashell. Try to see if you can make some of your own compound words. 

Today in class we tried some new spelling games and strategies to get us in the mood for words. Our first activity was making pyramid words. Then we tried using rainbow colours to write our spellings. Next we created funny stories and finally we had a go at Bubble Writing and Table Tennis spellings. This was probably the most exciting game, as you had to "bat" your word to the opposite team. They then had to spell the word back for a point! We shall play the game again with more demanding words! Well done Grade 2NC!

Have you ever wondered what would happen if your home was burnt down? Where would you live? How would you and your family survive? As part of our new unit of inquiry - 'Sharing The Planet"  - we are looking at how humans can affect ecosystems and have an impact on environments. So far we have met Romy and her father Dr Alexander. We shall read more to see how their journey to Sumatra unfolds and what happens in the Tropical Rainforest. 

Last week, Niamh's Mum: Ms Jeyaram came to read to our class. She chose a book by Roald Dahl. The title was "Danny The Champion Of The World." Ms Jeyaram read the chapter where we were introduced to the main characters: Danny and his Dad. We also had an excellent description of the setting. We really enjoyed listening to the story and showed great respect. Ms Jeyaram explained why she had chosen this story to read - we all have different family situations, we are all loved and we celebrate those differences. We also noticed how the images matched the text as well. Thank you to Ms Jeyaram for being a risk taker and reading to Grade 2NC!