Raymond has used his creativity and his language skills here. He has made an image of a drink and has written cheers in Korean around the picture and in the glass itself. It even looks as if the words are bubbling out! Well done Raymond!

This week, Grade 2 visited the K1 and K2 classes to share their Images & Print story books. One group went to read with Ms Hima's class. The children listened carefully to the stories and enjoyed looking at the illustrations. They were impressed with the creativity and original ideas. Well done Grade 2 for sharing your knowledge! Thank you K1 and K2 for listening to our stories!

Today in class we had to match 2 different words and make new words. The words are mostly linked to our unit. So we had UNDER + WATER = underwater! SUN + SET = sunset. JELLY + FISH = jellyfish. SEA + SHELL = seashell. Try to see if you can make some of your own compound words.